List of Theatrical related DVD's in 2006
MoreauEarnest 2006 - Moreau "Earnest"
Moreau High School drama dept presents "The Importance of Being Earnet" on November 17th
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VDT_Nut 2006 - Valley Dance Theatre "Nutcracker" (2pm)
Valley Dance Theatre production of "The Nutcracker" performed on December 16th at (2PM).
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WesternNut 2006 - Western Ballet "The Nutcracker" (1pm)
Western Ballet performance of "The Nutcracker" on December 9th at (1PM).
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WesternNut 2006 - Western Ballet "The Nutcracker" (6pm)
Western Ballet production of "The Nutcracker" performance on December 9th at (6PM).
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BeniciaNut 2006 - Benicia Ballet Theatre "Nutcracker" 11/25-2pm
Benicia Ballet Theatre presents it's annual Christmas special "The Nutcracker" performed on Nov 25th at 2pm.
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BeniciaNut 2006 - Benicia Ballet Theatre "Nutcracker" 11/25-7pm
Benicia Ballet Theatre presents it's annual Christmas special "The Nutcracker" performed on Nov 25th at 7pm.
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BeniciaNut 2006 - Benicia Ballet Theatre "Nutcracker" 11/26-2pm
Benicia Ballet Theatre presents it's annual Christmas special "The Nutcracker" performed on Nov 26th at 2pm.
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WillowGlen_Ebenezer 2006 - Willow Glen High School "Ebenezer"
Willow Glen High School production of "Ebenezer" on December 1st.
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ACLO_10th 2006 - Alameda Civic Light Opera's "10th Year Anniversary" show
Alameda Civic Light Opera celebrates its "10th Year Anniversary" by putting on a show. A tribute to Broadway's greatest moments.
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MillsOneActs 2006 - Mills High School "An Evening of One Act Plays"
Mills High School performs "An Evening of One Act Plays" on November 19th.
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PaloAltoRandJ 2006 - Palo Alto High School "Romeo & Juliette"
Palo Alto High School presents "Romeo and Juliette" on November 18th.
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Alamden_Snow 2006 - Almaden Country School "Snow White Goes West" 11/14th
Almaden Country School presents their production of "Snow White Goes West" on November 14th.
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Alamden_Snow 2006 - Almaden Country School "Snow White Goes West" 11/15th
Almaden Country School presents their production of "Snow White Goes West" on November 15th.
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Jordan_GuysDolls 2006 - Jordan MS "Guys & Dolls"
Jordan's Drama department production of "Guys and Dolls" performance November 4th.
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Pleasanton_SouthPacific 2006 - Pleasanton Playhouse "South Pacific"
Pleasanton Playhouse production of "South Pacific" on Oct 22nd at Amador Theatre.
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Hillsdale_Mattress 2006 - Hillsdale HS "Once Upon A Mattress"
Hillsdale high school production of "Once Upon A Mattress. Performance on October 27th.
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DanceArtsAcademy_1100 2006 - Dance Arts Academy "Get Cha Dance On!" (11am)
Dance Arts Academy annual dance recital this year entitled "Get Cha Dance On!" held at the Santa Clara Convention Theatre.This is the 11AM show DVD.
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DanceArtsAcademy_230 2006 - Dance Arts Academy "Get Cha Dance On!" (2:30pm)
Dance Arts Academy annual dance recital this year entitled "Get Cha Dance On!" held at the Santa Clara Convention Theatre.This is the 2:30PM show DVD.
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MountainViewDance 2006 - Mountain View High School "Dance Spectrum"
Mountain View Highs School Dance Company Dance Spectrum presents "Dancing Around the World" on May 12th 2006 at the Foothill College Theatre.
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PYTwonderland 2006 - PYT "Wonderland" (ChooChoo cast)
Peninsula Youth Theatre productions of "Wonderland" starring the Choo Choo cast performance on 7/15 at 7:30 pm.
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PYTwonderland 2006 - PYT "Wonderland" (Jabberwocky cast)
Peninsula Youth Theatre productions of "Wonderland" starring the Jabberwocky cast performance on 7/15 at 2:00 pm.
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DancynStudio 2006 - DancynStudio "Dancyn With Your Star" June 27th
Dancyn Studio presents "Dancyn With Your Star" at the Heritage Theatre on June 27th. This is Show #1 DVD.
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DancynStudio 2006 - DancynStudio "Dancyn With Your Star" June 28th
Dancyn Studio presents "Dancyn With Your Star" at the Heritage Theatre on June 28th. This is Show #2 DVD.
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MissionDance 2006 - Mission Dance & Performing Arts (1:30 pm)
Mission Dance and Performing Arts annual recital at Chabot College on June 24th. This is a 2 DVD set of the 1:30pm show.
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MissionDance 2006 - Mission Dance & Performing Arts (7:00 pm)
Mission Dance and Performing Arts annual recital at Chabot College on June 24th. This is a 2 DVD set of the 7:00pm show.
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EastWest_OnBroadway 2006 - East * West Music and Dance "On Broadway"
East * West Music and Dance Willow Glen studio premiere production 'On Broadway" at West Valley College on June 25th.
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DanceAffair 2006 - The Dance Affair recital
The Dance Affair annual reccital this year entitled "Dancing Through Time" at the CPA on June 24th.
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Atlas 2006 - Atlas School of Dance "Frandango"
Atlas School of Dance annual recital held at Santa Clara University June 2006.
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BranhamDance 2006 - Branham Dance Center "Decades of Dance"
Branham Dance Center's 56th annual recital "Decades of Dance" performed on June 17th at the Flint Center.
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VDT_Nut 2006 - Valley Dance Theatre "Nutcracker" (7pm)
Valley Dance Theatre production of "The Nutcracker" performance on December 16th at (7PM).
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Pleasanton_KingandI 2006 - Pleasanton Playhouse "The King & I"
The Pleasanton Playhouse production of "The King & I" on July 23 at Amador Theatre.
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SanCarlosBallet 2006 - San Carlos Ballet "A Weekend of Dance"
San Carlos School of Ballet performs "A Weekend of Dance" on June 18th at Notre Dame University.
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MillsMontessori 2006 - Mills Montessori School "Shall We Dance?"
Mills Montessori annual end of school year program "Shall We Dance?" performed on June 17th.
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BubbaGong_6-2 2006 - Bubba Gong's Twenty / 20 ...can't stop dancin' - Friday 6/2
Bubba Gong's Foothill College Dancers celebrating 20 years of outstanding performances in Tenty/20...can't stop dancin'. Perfomance date June 2nd, Friday Night.
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BubbaGong_6-2 2006 - Bubba Gong's Twenty / 20 ...can't stop dancin' - Saturday 6/3
Bubba Gong's Foothill College Dancers celebrating 20 years of outstanding performances in Tenty/20...can't stop dancin'. Perfomance date June 3rd, Saturday Night.
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EspritDance 2006 - Esprit de la Danse "IT moves me"
Esprit de la Danse annual recital at Flint Center on June 10th entitled "IT Moves Me". This comes as a 2 disc set.
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Almaden_Aladdin5-12 2006 - Action Day "Aladdin" May 12th
Action Day / Primary Plus annual CPA show "Aladdin" performance on Friday, May 12th at 7PM.
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ActionDay_Aladdin5-13 2006 - Action Day "Aladdin" May 13th
Action Day / Primary Plus annual CPA show "Aladdin" performance on Saturday, May 13th at 2PM.
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ValleyDanceSpring 2006 - Valley Dance Theatre Spring Show
Valley Dance Theatre Spring Show "Celebrates Romance" performance on May 28th.
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Moreau_SyracuseBoys 2006 - Moreau High School "Boys from Syracuse"
Moreau High School production of "The Boys from Syracuse" held on May 6th at 2pm.
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Almaden_DogBreath 2006 - Almaden Country School "Dogsbreath Devereaux"
Almaden Community Theatre presents "Dogsbreath Devereaux the Dastardly Doctor or Nurses Foiled Again!" performed at the Almaden Country School on May 6th.
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LincolnDance 2006 - Lincoln High School Dance "Hollywood" Cast A
Cast A of Lincoln High School's annual dance production "Hollywood" Steps 2006 performed in the Black Box Theatre on April 9th at 2PM.
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LincolnDance 2006 - Lincoln High School Dance "Hollywood" Cast B
Cast B of Lincoln High School's annual dance production "Hollywood" Steps 2006 performed in the Black Box Theatre on April 9th at 7:30PM.
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BaysideDance 2006 - Bayside MS Dance
Bayside Middle School Dance recital "Dance Fever" at the Bayside Theatre on April 5th.
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Harker_MSdance 2006 - Harker MS Dance Show "Dance Jamz"
Harker Middle School at Blackford presents "Dance Jamz 2006" it's first middle school dance show on March 31st.
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Hillsdale_Werewolf 2006 - Hillsdale HS "Curse of the Werewolf"
Hillsdale High School production of "Curse of the Werewolf" on April 2nd.
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Hillsdale_FamImprov 2006 - Hillsdale High School "FAM" Improv
Hillsdale High School's H.I.T. Squad performs "FAM" improv show on April 20th at the Little Theatre.
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ATA 2006 - Aerial Tumbling and Acrobatics "Spring Show"
Aerial Tumbling and Acrobatics "Spring Show" at Chaboya School on March 31st.
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Fisher_OnceOnIsland 2006 - Fisher MS "Once On This Island" 3/24
Fisher Middle School's production of "Once on this Island" performed on March 24th.
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Fisher_OnceOnIsland 2006 - Fisher MS "Once On This Island" 3/25
Fisher Middle School's production of "Once on this Island" performed on March 25th.
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Foxtravaganza 2006 - Foxtravaganza "Anything Goes"
Fox School presents it's annual "Foxtravaganza" talent show at Notre Dame University on March 4th.
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MillsHS_Fantastics 2006 - Mills High School "The Fantastics"
Mills High School performs "The Fantastics" on March 17th.
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Jordan_Fools 2006 - Jordan MS "Fools"
Jordan Middle School's production of the comedy "Fools" performed on March 23rd.
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Aragon_RoomService 2006 - Aragon HS "Room Service"
Aragon High School Production of the comedy "Room Service" on March 10th.
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Almaden_Hillbillies 2006 - Almaden Country School "Beverly Hillbillies"
Almaden Country School performance of "The Beverly Hillbillies" on March 8th.
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RachelTan 2006 - Rachel Tan Dance Recital
Rachel Tan Dance Recital at Olhone College on March 4th.
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Baywood 2006 - Baywood Talent Show
Baywood's annual talent show "Baywood in the 60's" on February 26th at San Mateo CPA.
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Jordan_Visit 2006 - Jordan MS "The Visit"
Jordan Middle School's production of "The Visit" on February 9th.
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Harker_2-10 2006 - Harker School Dance Production (2/10)
Harker Conservatory's 2006 Dance Production "BRANCHING OUT" on February 10th.
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Harker_2-11 2006 - Harker School Dance Production (2/11)
Harker Conservatory's 2006 Dance Production "BRANCHING OUT" on February 11th.
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Almaden_Breeze 2006 - Almaden Country School "Gone With The Breeze"
Almaden Country School's production of the film classic "Gone With The Breeze" on February 8th.
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Pleasanton_Birdie 2006 - Pleasanton Playhouse "Bye Bye Birdie"
Pleasanton Playhouse production of "Bye Bye Birdie" at the Amador Theatre on January 15th.
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Almaden_WolfTrial 2006 - Almaden Country School "Trial of the Big Bad Wolf" 1/25
Almaden Country school's play "Trial of the Big Bad Wolf" January 25th.
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Almaden_WolfTrial 2006 - Almaden Country School "Trial of the Big Bad Wolf" 1/26
Almaden Country school's play "Trial of the Big Bad Wolf" January 26th.
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Monticello_Alice 2006 - Monticello Academy "Alice in Wonderland" 3/30
Monticello Academy's production of "Alice in Wonderland" cast performing on March 30th.
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Monticello_Alice 2006 - Monticello Academy "Alice in Wonderland" 3/31
Monticello Academy's production of "Alice in Wonderland" cast performing on March 31st.
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Almaden_Fit 2006 - Almaden Country School "The Perfect Fit" April 12th
Almaden Country school's production of "The Perfect Fit". The April 12th cast.
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Almaden_Fit 2006 - Almaden Country School "The Perfect Fit" April 13th
Almaden Country school's production of "The Perfect Fit". The April 13th cast.
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ElCamino 2006 - El Camino High School Dance Production
El Camino High School Dance department production of "Decadance" on May 20th.
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SequoiaDance 2006 - Sequoia Dancers
Sequoia High School annual dance program "Dance '06" performed at the Sequoia theatre on April 8th.
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CTC_Dragon 2006 - California Theatre Center "Reluctant Dragon" 7pm
California Theatre Center's summer production of "The Reluctant Dragon" performed on Friday, July 7th at 7pm.
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CTC_Dragon 2006 - California Theatre Center "Reluctant Dragon" 8:30pm
California Theatre Center's summer production of "The Reluctant Dragon" performed on Friday, July 7th at 8:30pm.
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ACLO_Aida 2006 - Alameda Civic Light Opera "AIDA"
Alameda Civic Light Opera presents "AIDA" performance on September 23rd.
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